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Books, Poems, and Stories

to Share with Babies, Toddlers or Preschoolers

Reading to your baby and child is one of the most formative, nourishing and loving activities you can do for you little one.


Reading to your child is critical for their early literacy development.  Reading together builds warmth and fond memories for a child's emotional well being as you create a seed bed for learning and to growing. 


 Storytime Seedlings Podcast has a PDF Handout with each themed episode. Each episode handout is devoted to books, songs, stories and poems and fingerplays  as well as Early Literacy Tips. 

Photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels


Episode 1 - Delicious & Nutritious
Episode 2 - Teeth

Poems and poetry are early literacy wonderment for young children - 

  • Poetry is rhyme, rhythm and sounds that tickle a child's attention

  • Poetry helps in memory development and engagement with language (who doesn't fondly remember "The Cow Jumped Over the Moon"?)

  • Poetry is language play (Sally sells seashells by the seashore!)

  • Poems are short and sweet - just enough for developing attention spans


when we were very young.jpeg
little poems for tiny ears.jpeg
mother goose.jpeg


hop toad poem.jpg
episode 34 hop toad poem - 7_4_22, 12.14 PMArtist Name
00:00 / 01:13

image source: katieinthecupboard

Featured Poem




The magic of imagination to expand a young child's world, seeding  for visualizing, bonding over shared delight, finding identity and problem solving, developing memory, socialization and cultural literacy.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

pexels-pavel-danilyuk-7055864 Bear Square.jpeg
Ep 34 The Three Bears story The Three Bears
00:00 / 04:44

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels


About Me

I'm Lauren Teixeira, Children's Librarian (retired) and Podcaster.


You can also find episodes of the Storytime Seedlings Podcast through your favorite podcast site (Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherSpotifyListen NotesiHeartRadioOvercast, and TuneIn), subscribe today! 


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