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A Child's Own Library

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Here are suggestions for building a sweet collection for a home library that will grow up with your child.

Photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels

Reading to your baby and child builds an unbreakable bond (between you, your child and books) as it establishes a foundation in pre-literacy and preparation to become a life-long reader. When a child has her own books they can be loved over and over, because they are hers to have at home as forever friends.

A child's own library of personal books friends does not have to be a big one, but just a few solid (and fun) classics will be enough to grow a reader at home. Fertilizing your child's book and story literacy with a library card at your local public library - is true tool to wealth, a life of treasure, and it's free. But having a ready handful of steady, good books that never leave a child's life - will be a priceless investment.

Here are a few of the basics I have come to treasure over the years (decades) of being a Children's Librarian, a parent, and now - a grandparent.

Books to Start a Baby's Life

Photo by nappy from Pexels

Mother Goose

Mother Goose from the very start of a baby's life (even in utero) is a sure fire foundation builder! The rhymes in Mother Goose lend well to word seeding, cadence and rhythm - and why they have been around for generations uncountable.

Here are two of my favorites.

Board Book Basics

Classic stories that have stood the test of time - in board book form - are a baby and toddlers best and first friends - hard enough to hold, to kiss and to chew!



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